14. Understanding Human Design Authorities

14. Understanding Human Design Authorities

14. Understanding Human Design Authorities In Human Design, your authority is the way you make decisions, and it’s all about listening to your energy, not your mind. The mind has no place in Human Design when it comes to deciding something. However, we’re...
13. How to Read a Human Design Chart

13. How to Read a Human Design Chart

013 | How to Read a Human Design Chart Listening to me talk about Human Design and walking you through all the energy centers in the system is great. But you know what’s even better? Being able to read and understand your own Human Design chart! (Again,...
8. The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 2)

8. The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 2)

008 | The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 2) It’s time to cover the last 4 centers in our journey through the Human Design BodyGraph. Remember, the centers in Human Design are energetic points full of their own unique energy and themes.  Having a center defined or...
7. The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 1)

7. The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 1)

007 | The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 1) The centers in Human Design are unique. They each have their own energy and energetic themes as well as their own not-self themes. Knowing which centers you have defined and undefined can be the key to understanding the energy...
6. 5 Reasons to Use Human Design

6. 5 Reasons to Use Human Design

006 | 5 Reasons to Use Human Design Human Design is kind of the new kid on the block when it comes to the esoteric/spiritual/self-help world. But that shouldn’t stop you from giving it a try. (Seriously. It’s life-changing!) If you’ve made it this...
4. How Each Human Design Type Creates Content

4. How Each Human Design Type Creates Content

004 | How Each Human Design Type Creates Content We’re getting into the more practical aspects of human design and how you can apply them to your business (yay!). I’ll be walking you through content creation for each human design type. So I’ll be talking about how to...