Discover Your Design

Unlock your magic and transform your life through a Human Design Reading.

You’re More Than a Chart

And you need someone who gets that.


When you and I sit down to go through your Human Design chart, we’ll do so with the understanding that you’re a unique human being. And because of that, we’ll talk about how to apply your chart to your life – exactly as it is now.

Each reader has a different approach to readings. When I look at a Human Design Chart, whether in a Foundation Reading or a Gates and Channels Reading, I focus on the big picture and how all the pieces fit together.

As we move through each area of your chart, we’ll talk about the energy present in your chart and how it comes alive – what it can look like in your life. I definitely want you to ask questions and make connections of your own. (Also, interruptions are always welcome!)

Learning about your energy is the first step. The second step is how to move forward with that knowledge.

Human Design Readings

That meet you where you are.

Foundation Reading

Start your Human Design journey strong with a Foundation Reading! This 60-minute reading is your gateway to understanding your energy and how to work with it. 

During this session, we’ll cover the basics of your Human Design chart, including your Strategy + Authority, defined and undefined centers, and your channels (on a surface level). If we have time, we’ll talk about your Profile.

The goal of this reading is to help you develop a deeper understanding of your energy and how to start working with it.


Gates and Channels Reading

The channels are where Human Design really comes alive! This more advanced 60-minute reading focuses on just the gates and channels present in your Human Design chart. We’ll look at your channels and talk about their circuitry, how that can show up in your life, and the role(s) you’re here to play. 

This is all about diving deep into the energy of each channel – and of each gate in your channels – and talking about how you can work with them. Want to get into the energetic interplay of your channels? This is where you start!

Because this reading focuses exclusively on the gates and channels in a chart, I really only recommend it if you’ve already had a Foundational Reading, or if you’ve been living your design for a few years and really understand the basics of Human Design.


Relationship Reading

Wondering why your relationship is the way it is? Looking to bring more peace, understanding, and awareness to your partnership? This is where that happens.

During a Relationship Reading, we’ll walk through a Composite Chart. A Composite Chart puts the Human Design charts of two people together to create a unique energetic experience.

We’ll look at the chart and talk through the areas of connection, including the Connetion Theme, Definition, and Connection Channels, all with the goal of helping you bring more understanding to your relationship. 

This reading isn’t meant to fix you or your partner. It’s here to help you as you learn how to work with the energy present in your relationship. We can also do a parent/child reading as well.



Will you record the reading?

Yep! Hitting record is the first thing I’ll do after we’ve settled in. I can usually send over the recording the same day as well. Once you have the replay, you’re welcome to watch it as many times as you like. There’s no expiration date! 

Can I come prepared with questions?

Yep! And if you’d like, you’re more than welcome to share those questions with me before the reading – either when you book your call or through email before our chat. I’d like to have your questions beforehand, if possible. That way I can be sure to prepare for them.

What will the Foundational Reading cover?

The Foundational Human Design Reading will cover the basics of your chart – the big-picture need-to-know info. 

We’ll cover your strategy and authority, defined centers and channels, and your undefined centers. If we have time, we can touch on your profile and Incarnation Cross a bit.

What if I already know about my foundational chart?

If you feel super confident about all the things a Foundational Human Design Reading will cover, it’s time to book a Gates and Channels Reading!

What will the Gates and Channels Reading cover?

The Gates and Channels Reading takes a deep dive into the specific energy of your gates and channels. We’ll look at the planetary placements of your gates in the channels – as well as the circuitry of your channels – to help you understand how your energy interacts with itself (and the world around it). 

This reading is all about looking at the flow of energy and what you’re here to be known for (a.k.a. your channels). If you’re looking for more in-depth information on how your specific chart comes alive, this is it!

Can I ask questions after the reading?

Absolutely! I totally understand not having questions in the moment…and then hopping off the call only to have the perfect question pop into your mind. Also, we all process on different timelines. So if you end up having a question a week after your reading (or 3 weeks or 6 months), feel free to reach out! You can email me at

Hear From Previous Clients

(Happy dance time!)

Human design doesn’t have to be what you’re doing wrong – or looking for what you’re doing wrong. It’s an affirmation that you do know yourself and you know what you’re doing.

I helped Shelby with her mindset through HD – affirming that she knows what she’s doing and that she does know herself. I was able to reflect a lot back to her. She felt seen – in a positive, affirming light. Was very empowering.

Shelby Melissa

Human Design Projector
“Ardelia’s reading was magical.  She is one of the good ones.  Very genuine and warm in her approach and explains everything is a way that is easy to understand.

Her reading validated so much of what I have been sitting with, and allowed me to see from new perspectives.  What previously felt like areas of ‘stuckness’ became opportunities and growth.  I highly recommend her if for a chart reading.”

Sophie McCollum


“I consulted Ardelia for help balancing my hectic career. I felt out of alignment but just could not figure out how else I could do things.

Ardelia helped me understand my natural inclinations and how to tap into my projector strengths rather than falling into the same traps again and again. I am forever grateful, Ardelia!”

Joachim Lépine


Learn the Basics of Your Chart

A Foundation Human Design Reading is a great way to start your journey. Learn the basics of how your energy works – and how you can start using it in your life.

Explore Your Gates + Channels

Go deeper into your chart and study how the energy comes alive in your channels and gates. Understanding this energy is crucial to really embodying your design.