17. How + Why to Decondition Yourself

Mar 12, 2019 | Human Design

Deconditioning is a big deal in Human Design. In fact, the rule of thumb in the Human Design world is that it takes 7 years of consistent deconditioning before you can really, truly begin living out your design and living in alignment with your energy. 

So what is deconditioning? It’s basically unlearning the behaviors, habits, and cultural norms that don’t align with your energy. Everyone has at least some deconditioning to do, and this episode will walk you through how to get started unlearning basically everything. 

Deconditioning can seem like a daunting task, but if you break it down and do it little by little, it’s not so bad. And you may be asking “Where do I start, Ardelia? There’s just so much!” And I get that. 

If you have a lot of open centers in your Human Design chart, then you’ll likely have more deconditioning to do. (Pro Tip: Our open centers are where we hold our deepest conditioning.) 

So if you have 7 open centers (like me) you’ll probably have more deconditioning to do than someone with 1 or 2 open centers. But sticking with the deconditioning journey is well worth the effort. It’s only through deconditioning that you can really begin to work with and understand the amazingness of your energy. 


This episode will help you on your journey. We’ll talk about:

– What deconditioning is

– Things each type needs to stop and start doing

– Why you need to decondition

– Some simple steps to help you get started


✏️ Show Notes

? Want to get more Human Design and Projector tips (plus a pinch of Projector humor)? Follow Ardelia on Instagram!

? If you’re new to Human Design, be sure to create your free Human Design chart here.

? Ready to dive deeper into your Human Design chart + finally understand how to work with your personal energy? Book a 60-minute Human Design Reading with Ardelia.

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Ardelia Lee - Projector, Compass, and Adventurer

Ardelia Lee - Projector, Compass, and Adventurer

Hey! I’m Ardelia (pronounced ar-DEAL-ya). I’m basically a walking, talking energetic compass and a Human Design projector on a journey to understand + fully experience what it means to be a projector.

And I’m here to support and guide you, fellow projector, as you start discovering and working with your Human Design to create a life (or a business) that’s sustainable, fulfilling, and enjoyable. In short, I’m here to help you be an aligned projector and to release all the conditioning and pressure that you’ve experienced.