132. Exploring Tribal Circuitry

by | Dec 8, 2021 | Human Design

Think on This

Tribal energy is powerful. It’s the glue that holds humans together.

Episode Details

This episode is going to be info-heavy. I’m dusting off some basic Human Design info and going deep with it. We’ll briefly talk about circuitry in Human Design and how it impacts us, and then we’ll dive directly into the Tribal Circuit Group and its two “subcircuits” – the Defense Circuit and the Ego Circuit. The Tribal Circuit Group is so interesting in terms of how it works and its role in humanity’s evolution. The Tribe is the glue that holds us together – and you can feel that Tribal pull even if you don’t have many Tribal gates. We’ll talk about the channels in each of the Tribal Circuits and how they impact those who have them and those who don’t. We’ll also cover how you may feel if you have a lot of Tribal energy vs if you don’t have a lot of Tribal energy. This was such a fun episode to record! I hope you enjoy it!

Episode Show Notes

Looking for the links and resouces mentioned in the episode? They’re all here!

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About Ardelia

I’m a Human Design guide, pathfinder, and energetic compass.

I’m here to support and guide you, fellow Projector, as you familiarize yourself with your design and then learn how to actually be a Projector. It’s time to live out your design and stop trying to be the manifestor (or generator) you aren’t.

I’ll help you release your conditioning and walk with you as you begin to rediscover yourself and your energy so you can finally create and live the life you were designed for.

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