154. The Ultimate Human Design Starting Guide

by | Aug 24, 2022 | Human Design

Episode Details

We’re doing something a little different in this episode and going over the basics of Human Design. So if you’re brand new to the system, this episode will give you a high-level overview of the system and what you can expect when you start working with it.

We’ll cover your Strategy and Authority and what “Listen to your Strategy and Authority” actually means (because I don’t think I’ve ever broken it down before). While this episode won’t be a deep dive of specific strategies and authorities, I’ve included a list of recommended podcast episodes that you can listen to if you want to go deeper into a specific topic in this episode.

This episode will also touch on the Tribalism in Human Design (you know I had to), as well as some recommended resources and other places where you can get some amazing Human Design info. I’m including both official and non-official sources to offer a variety of insights and perspectives.

We’re touching the tip of the iceberg in this episode, so continue to experiment, learn, and most importantly…have fun! (And if you want to learn more, don’t forget to check out the episodes listed below.)

Episode Links

Looking for a link mentioned in the show? You’ll find it below.

Attract Epic Invitations – Learn how to manifest with your Projector energy and attract the aligned invitations you desire.

Human Design Basics – Learn the foundations of the Human Design system with this online course.

Get a Human Design Reading – Learn more about your unique energy by booking a reading with me.

Get Personalized Guidance – Looking for some 1:1 Human Design Mentoring: See what I have to offer here.

The Projector Pivot Challegne – Learn how to work with your Projector energy in just 12 days.

Listen to More Episodes

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20. Human Design in Action

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19. Understanding Channels and Their Energy

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About Your Host

Hey! I’m Ardelia Lee, a Human Design Projector, pathfinder, and energetic compass.

I’m here to support you as you familiarize yourself with your design and then learn how to actually be a Projector. (And that may look different than it does for me. That’s ok!)

It’s time to come home to your amazing energy and work with it instead of against it.

I’ll help you release your conditioning and walk with you as you begin to rediscover yourself so you can findally create the life you were designed for.

Learn the Basics

Start your Human Design journey with learning the foundations of the system – from types and strategies to centers to profiles and putting it all together.