166. 5 Projector Gifts to Appreciate More
Episode Details
It’s that time of year when we start thinking about gifts and what to get for that weird distant relative you never talk to. (Or maybe, if you’re like me with zero Tribal energy, you ARE that weird distant relative). Either way, I wanted the show to get into the spirit of the season by looking at 5 specific Projector gifts that both Projectors and everyone else should really appreciate more.
Because so often, Projectors tend to feel bad that we can’t keep up with everyone. Projector guilt is real, and it tends to lead us to question our value and our contributions to society (also, helloooo undefined willpower!).
But because of Projectors’ unique energy aura, there are gifts that only we can provide. The first gift, slowing down, lays the foundation for all the other gifts. And I think it’s probably the most impactful one that Projectors have to offer. However it’s important to understand that Projectors can really only access these gifts consistently through deconditioning and living in alignment. Moving through the deconditioning process allows us to see and experience these gifts for ourselves – giving us a taste of the value that we offer to others.
Want to know what the other four gifts are? Listen to the episode!
Episode Links
Looking for a link mentioned in the show? You’ll find it below.
Attract Epic Invitations – Learn how to manifest with your Projector energy and attract the aligned invitations you desire.
Get a Human Design Reading – Learn more about your unique energy by booking a reading with me.
Get Personalized Guidance – Looking for some 1:1 Human Design Mentoring: See what I have to offer here.
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About Your Host
Hey! I’m Ardelia Lee, a Human Design Projector, pathfinder, and energetic compass.
I’m here to support you as you familiarize yourself with your design and then learn how to actually be a Projector. (And that may look different than it does for me. That’s ok!)
It’s time to come home to your amazing energy and work with it instead of against it.
I’ll help you release your conditioning and walk with you as you begin to rediscover yourself so you can findally create the life you were designed for.
Attract Epic Invitations
Ready to demystify this crucial part of being a Projector? Learn about the energetics behind invitaitons and recognition – and how to work with them.